Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sabrina Luna’s Kosmic Astrology*Scopes

Quarterly Edition: October – December 2011

• Aquarius (January 20- February 18)
October’s energies bring about transformations on several different levels of your life, Aquarius. Don’t resist the changes –simply go with them. By November, you may discover these changes may be what you need to move forward or get ahead. However, as the holiday season rolls around in December, your pace may slow down. But, it’s all cosmically cool, Aquarius because this could be a well-deserved break before the New Year!

• Pisces (February 19-March 20)
October may bring changes in your relationships with others, Pisces. You may use your gift of empathy in order to be able to relate with them –but remember not to get too overwhelmed by what you believe you perceive. By November, a new opportunity may present itself to spark your interest –and perhaps earn some extra cash. Remember, you’re not selling out, but providing a bit of stability to your finances before the holiday season rolls in, Pisces. And, as December wraps up, you may be ready to start planning for another exciting year ahead with good cheer and new opportunities!

• Aries (March 21-April 19)
You’ll be dealing with relationships throughout October, Aries –the good, bad and ugly. But hang in there and don’t loose your cool. By November, you’ll be a better judge of character and be able to do away with those relationships which no longer serve your highest good. And, as December rolls around, prepare to greet the New Year as a happier and saner individual from life lessons well-learned.

• Taurus (April 20-May 20)
In October, be available to those who need your guidance, Taurus. Your calm demeanor and rational advice may be just what they need to hear at this time. By November, you may be enjoying the company of new friends or networking buddies. Remember, Taurus, these new connections could be worth their weight in gold –or, at least exciting opportunities! Around December, you may be busier than usual, but don’t forget to take a break to spend time with loved ones. After such a crazy year, it may be a good idea to celebrate with family and friends close to home.

• Gemini (May 21-June 21)
October’s energies focus on your creative expression, Gemini. Even though you enjoy doing several projects at once, remember not to spread your energies too thin. Around November plan to spend time reevaluate your yearly goals. And, by planning ahead for the New Year, you’ll save yourself headaches in the long run, Gemini. In December, you may be spending time with others of like-minds. Savor these relationships and consider them a valued source for encouragement to get you through the coming wintry months!

• Cancer (June 22 –July 23)
In October, you may feel like you’re crawling deep into your shell, Cancer. While others may be out and about, you may be staying close to home. Yet, nothing’s wrong –it’s just a part of the seasonal ebb and flow. By November you may be ready to get back into the flow with friends and partners after a little bit of hibernation. And, around December, cosmic energies shift, so stay alert for a new opportunity or business contact. There may be one right under your nose, Cancer!

• Leo (July 24 –August 22)
It’s October, Leo, and all lines to communication are open! But don’t get your wires crossed maybe by texting the wrong person or divulging a secret you’ve sworn to keep. That would make things quite awkward, to say the least. By November, you may have to deal with matters at home or with your family. However, the time you may invest in those closest to you should pay off in a good way by restoring a level of harmony and balance. As the holiday season picks up in December, make plans to refresh your energies by taking a little break from the ordinary routine. Perhaps a change of scenery or new social gatherings will be just what you need, Leo!

• Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Around October, Virgo, the cosmic energies will brighten up for you. Enjoy the change of seasons by giving yourself a little treat or two. However, be cautious not to overindulge because the holidays are right around the corner. In November, it may be time to dive into learning more about the world around you either through travel or by studying through a mentor or teacher. Whichever way, this fresh insight may give you a new, valuable approach. By December, communication may be a bit off, but don’t let that keep you and your loved ones from having a blessed holiday season.

Libra (September 23-October 22)
October opens with an opportunity to polish up your self image, Libra. Maybe it’s time to head back to the gym, get a new hairstyle or simply express yourself in a bold, new way. Around November, you may be wildly inspired with plenty of new ideas –just be sure to write them down to keep better track of them. And December brings along the craziness of the season. It may be an ideal time to double check your holiday plans so there will be fewer setbacks because the New Year is just around the corner!

• Scorpio (October 23-November 23)
As the autumn rolls in, you may be dealing with subconscious issues you thought were long gone. Turn within and allow healing practices (such as meditation) to help you deal with this dark patch. You’ll be glad you did, because, by November, you’ll be feeling much better! Plus you may be rewarded with new insight and a deeper understanding on what makes you really *tick*! And, as December wraps up with the holidays, others may try to push your emotional buttons. Don’t let them get to you, Scorpio. Figure out a graceful way to put others in their place and be ready for a New Year!

• Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Around October, there’s a change in the air for you, Sagittarius! A new career position or business location may be in store for you during this last part of the year. You easily adapt and, by November, you may be ready to settle in and get productive in bold, new ways! By learning to shift your energies, you may be able to get a whole new prospective, giving you plenty of motivation to get you through December, Sagittarius –no matter what challenges may come your way!

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
You may be feeling a little wanderlust, Capricorn, as October begins. If time or your budget allows, treat yourself to an overnight or weekend get away before the craziness of the holidays because you certainly deserve it! Around November, your work load may keep you busy, but you’ll be moving toward your goals and the close of a spectacular year! By December, you’ll be ready to take a break by celebrating a productive and happy year with family and friends!

If you're interested in an in-person consultation with Sabrina Luna for a Kosmic Astrology session, please call The Bag Lady in Charlotte NC at 704-338-9778 to make an appointment. Thanks! :)