Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Winter Solstice Earth Healing Meditation Video

Happy Winter Solstice & Many Bright Blessings! :)

Big Hugs,
Sabrina )O(

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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What's Happening in the Stars ...Lunar Eclipse & Uranus!

12/10/2011 - The Lunar Eclipse is in Gemini which will affect our energies for the next six months in bold & positive ways, if we pay attention to the messages we receive from the Universe! And, with it being a Gemini Full Moon, be aware of any news or revelations revealed by the media, governments or those in a position of power. Or, on a more personal level, pay special attention and listen to those around you. What's being said ...or not said. Remember, communication plays a big part in cooperation --but also use common sense & your own good judgement too. ;)

Also, on 12/10, Uranus (pronounced u-ron-us, btw!) will be moving out of its retrograde motion & goes direct one again in Aries. This may make some folks feel quite jittery or anxious. However, there may also be a sense of relief as this highly energetic planet moves boldly ahead and puts us back on the cosmic course.

Mercury is still in retrograde, but it will be moving direct on 12/14 --yay! Hopefully, this should make us feel loads better as we move into the holiday season.

Your Full Moon Affirmation for Gemini:

I am optimistic & my spirits are bright!

Big Hugs & Many Kosmic Blessings,
Sabrina )O(

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