Friday, March 16, 2012

What's Happening in the Stars - Springing into Aries!

Hi, Everyone! Here's a look at what's going on in this crazy cosmos of ours ...

March 16-22 2012 - Put on your dancing shoes!

Mercury's in retrograde & teams up with the revolutionary, rebellious planet of Uranus for the next few days in fiery Aries. Like a jitterbugging dance couple, they'll move back and forth, stirring up our thoughts and making us look at our plans in a different (and exciting!) way. Just remember to hang-on and watch your feet --all it takes is one misstep and you'll be dancing to a different tune than you may expect!

March 21, 2012 - Spring Equinox!

Happy Astrological New Year! Yes, we have another chance to straighten out our plans or get them back on-track as the Sun heads into Aries on March 21st! Not only is the the Spring Equinox, a time to plant our seeds & enjoy the returning warmth of the seasons, but it's a good period for us to check-in with ourselves and make our plans to boldly move forward.

However, remember, we have several planets in retrograde motion --Mercury, Saturn & Mars --so it gives us a good opportunity to re-evaluate, re-think and re-plan our thoughts, motivations and actions. Strike a balance between what's going on within you and what's going on in the world around you --it's all good!

March 22, 2012 - It's a New Moon in Aries Party!

As we head into the New Moon in Aries, we also have a stellium (or cluster) of planets all in Aries too. Yep, it's a party as Mercury, Sun, Moon, and Uranus gather in the fiery, outgoing sign of the Ram! This'll be a little fire under our cosmic butts to get some things accomplished or, at least, to get motivated to moving ahead, for sure. Now Mars in Virgo is opposing this group of planets in retrograde, so be sure to take it easy --yep, one thing at a time, so try not to burn your candle at both ends.

Well, that's all for now. Thank you for reading & sharing my blog and I'll be back again soon!

Big Hugs & Many Kosmic Blessings,
Sabrina )O(

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