Monday, October 24, 2011

New Moon in Scorpio -Wed. October 26, 2011

Hi Everyone! I’d like to remind you that it’s time for the Sun & New Moon to join together in Scorpio which is a very powerful Kosmic time of the month!

It’s a time when you can set your intentions on whatever goals or dreams you’d like to put into motion and it’ll be backed by this solar and lunar conjunction.

Remember, this is more than a simple ‘wish’ list because the Sun and Moon are luminary energies which assist us in manifesting our desires into reality.

However, just be careful in what you ask the Universe for …because you might just get it!

Some folks attend New Moon meditation circles, while some light a candle and write down or state out loud affirmations of their intentions during this phase of the Moon.

Whichever way you chose to connect with the New Moon at this special time will be correct for YOU.

The true power in New Moon Manifestations is how passionately and strongly you project your heart into your intentions –not necessarily how you choose to ritualize the moment.

Now, since the New Moon is in Scorpio, here are a few areas in which you may focus your New Moon Manifestations:

Relationships (including business & romantic ones too)
and Eliminating Negativity

I wish you all the best with your Scorpio New Moon Manifestations!

And, if I can assist you in any way, please feel free to let me know!

Many Kosmic Blessings,
Sabrina )O(

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