Monday, November 7, 2011

Full Moon in Taurus - November 10th 2011

The November Moon reaches her Full Moon phase this month in the earthy sign of Taurus on November the 10th. And, as we take a look into our lunar mirror, it's time for us to reflect on our feelings of productivity, security & endurance.

Taurus is a very good placement for the Full Moon because its also rules over sensual pleasures (such as food & homey comfort) and patience too. Even though the symbol for Taurus is a bull, this Full Moon may be calm & somewhat serene. However, it can also bring about feelings of impatience &, even, anger. So, if you're not careful with others, you may wind up on the receiving end of those pointy, sharp horns! Yikes!

(Taurus Fairy artwork by Jessica Galberth)

November 10th's Full Moon, however, is a good time to check in with our plans on achieving success, being practical and preserving toward our end-of-the-year goals as well as giving us perseverance in our creative ventures. So, be smart during this Full Moon period and meditate wisely on the juicy possibilities of this Taurus energy!

Here's a Full Moon in Taurus Affirmation for you:

"I am safe and secure in my pursuits for happiness and stability!"

Have a Blessed Full Moon in Taurus!

Magickally yours,
Sabrina )O(

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Sabrina Luna is available for in-person Kosmic Astrology readings through The Bag Lady in Charlotte NC. Please call 704-338-9778 for an appointment. Sabrina also offers Tarot, Faery & Oracle card readings through her website at and her weekly videos are available on her YouTube channel at --Thanks! :)

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