Sunday, January 8, 2012

Full Moon in Cancer - January 9, 2012

Artwork by Jessica Galberth

Hello, Everyone!

We start of this exciting New Year w/a Full Moon in the sign of Cancer while the Sun is in Capricorn. Full Moon energies create like a tug o'war or see-saw effect with the Solar power. By bridging the gap between our inner & outer realities, it may help us to release the old & bring in the new --perfect for a New Year, huh?

Since the Full Moon is in Cancer, it reminds us to give ourselves self-nurturing either through prayer, meditation, purification baths or even extra sleep to help balance out the energies of the Sun in Capricorn.

It's also a good time to ask for help or support from others. Sometimes, we just can't do it all alone. Be open to receiving assistance from those around you to bring harmony & balance during this special, lunar time!

A Full Moon in Cancer Affirmation for You:
"I give myself tender, loving care and open myself to the loving support of those around me!"

Big Hugs & Many Full Moon Blessings,
Sabrina )O(

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