Monday, March 12, 2012

What's Happening in the Stars - March 12-15 2012

Hey, Everyone!

Just letting you know that we'll be experiencing some triple good juju the first part of this weekend with very harmonious trines between several key planets! We'll have a Grand Trine (or Soul Pyramid) when Venus & Jupiter in Taurus will trine with Pluto in Capricorn and Mars in Virgo (which is still in retrograde), bringing in delicious earthy energies to our plans & goals making this a week of very productive energy!

This Grand Trine reaches its zenith (EDST) between March 13th 2 PM through March 14th 11 AM when all four planets get together at 9 degrees --so enjoy this big cosmic moment! :)

And, even though Mercury has went retrograde, it'll be an ideal time to put the finishing touches on older projects or releasing things which no longer serve your highest good. So, make good use of these planetary vibes!

Thx & Big Kosmic Hugs,
Sabrina )O(

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