Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What's Happening in the Stars - Full Moon in Scorpio!

Hi Everyone! It's time to get ready for a Full Moon in Scorpio on Saturday, May 5th 2012 --so let's see what all that entails ...

Full Moon in Scorpio - May 5th 2012

On Saturday, we'll have a glorious Full Moon in Scorpio blessing us with LOTS of fertile energies to help us to plant our creative seeds! If you're dealing with issues, this would also be a good time to deal with them --just remember to be loving & gentle with yourself.

Full Moon in Scorpio is very intense & very fertile --a good time to work on manifesting! Put your intentions out into the Universe, because the cosmic energies will be working in your favor! It's a juicy vibe, so time to put some "oomph" into your meditations & visualizations and be ready for "miracles" to happen!

Full Moon Affirmation: "I am planting the seeds for my future! I manifest all that I truly desire with ease & grace! I am a passionate & creative soul and I create miracles & magick in my life, each and every day!"

Thank you for joining me for this Kosmic Astrology blog! Have a Blessed Full Moon!

Many Kosmic Blessings & Big Hugs,
Sabrina )O(

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1 comment:

  1. I utterly attitude and revalue your bushel on each and every target.
