Thursday, October 20, 2011

10/23/2011 - Sun Moves into Scorpio

That's right, it's that time of year once again! The Sun will move into Scorpio on this coming Sunday, October 23rd 2011.

(Scorpio Fairy by artist Jessica Galbreth)

Scorpio is well-known for its darker, more shadowy aspects --which is appropriate with Halloween the following week.

However, Scorpio also has a very transformational energy too. It's the whole death/rebirth-type of transformation and gives us the encouragement to let things go in order for new things to come into being.

Now, we may not see the results until Spring --but, oftentimes, the results are worth the wait!

Intense and, often, very passionate, folks born while the Sun is in Scorpio can be very persuasive, deeply penetrating and highly intuitive.

Yet, on the darker end of the spectrum these Scorpio Sun folks can also be jealous, very intense and quite possessive. It all depends on how the planets fall within their birth charts and their individual personalities.

Several famous Scorpios Sun folks include England's Prince Charles, computer genius Bill Gates, actor Leo DiCaprio, actress Scarlett Johannson, actress Demi Moore and authors Dahlia Rose and Neil Gaiman.

If you're interested in an in-person Kosmic Astrology session with me, please call The Bag Lady in Charlotte NC at 704-338-9778 for an appointment. I offer natal/birth chart and specialized readings just for YOU!

Thanks so much!

Many Kosmic Blessings,
Sabrina )O(

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