Monday, October 10, 2011

Full Moon in Aries - October 11, 2011

As the Moon reaches its peak in the fiery sign of Aries, it’s a good time to take a look in the lunar mirror and how we see ourselves in the grander scheme of things. With the Sun in Libra, we’ve been interacting with others –either in-person or through social networks, but now it’s time to take a little time to check-in with how we are doing on a personal level.

Perhaps the changes going on around you are making you a bit edgy or uncomfortable. Meditate on how to make the most of those changes by keeping your cool and stay positive, knowing it will all work out for the best. Moon in Aries is a very passionate sign and can stir our emotions on many levels. But, how it affects you personally, is really up to you!

Focus, instead, on examining how to work with the lunar energies by being open to change. Also, on a personal note, it’s a good time to change something for yourself too –like, maybe a new hair-do or clearing out your closet. Simply put, the Full Moon in Aries is reminding us to be ready to move into the last few months of the year. Remember, we’re just getting ready for the change of the seasons. However, each one of us experiences it different ways. Trust your intuition and figure out what you’ll need to do to get ready to roll into the next few months by planning ahead and taking care of the finer details.

And, to close, here is a Full Moon in Aries affirmation:
“I am an optimistic, energetic soul and I am open to change!”

Many Kosmic Blessings,
Sabrina )O(

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