Thursday, November 17, 2011

Coming Up ...Mercury Retrograde 11/23-12/13 2011

Hi Everyone! Just a quick note to remind you that Mercury, the planet of communication, computers & travel plans, will be retrograde from November 23rd to December 13th 2011.

What does this mean?!? Simply put, it's a cosmic time to be careful making travel plans, communicating with others (especially when folks are gathering for Thanksgiving) and dealing with electronic or computerized gizmos & gadgets!

However, there is a BRIGHT side to Mercury Retrograde! Yes, there is!

It's a good time to rethink, reevaluate and redo anything listed above. Let's face it, it's a mixed bag of blessings. But, remember, the Universe just wants us to be really, really sure of what we're doing, thinking & saying. :)

Big Hugs & Many Kosmic Blessings,
Sabrina )O(

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Sabrina Luna is available for in-person Kosmic Astrology readings through The Bag Lady in Charlotte NC. Please call 704-338-9778 for an appointment. Sabrina also offers Tarot, Faery & Oracle card readings through her website at and her weekly videos are available on her YouTube channel at --Thanks! :)

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