Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Mercury & Venus in Sagittarius -Nov. 2nd 2011

Hey Everyone! Let's all take a d-e-e-p breath and enjoy the new energy being ushered in by both Mercury and Venus moving into Sagittarius! ;)

Mercury in Sagittarius will be blessing us with open lines of communication and a pocket full of ideas. This is bound to feel good considering Mercury will go retrograde later in the month (11/24-12/13), so enjoy a good dose of bright ideas and breezy conversation. However, you may end up with too many ideas and may be too blunt or outspoken for your own good --so, please remember, think before you speak!

Venus in Sagittarius opens up our sense of adventure and makes us more outgoing and imaginative! This is a big switch from the heavier vibrations of Venus in Scorpio, so enjoy the change, but try not to get too caught up in over expressing these freedoms.

Overall, Sag is a lighter, brighter energy and both the planets are giving us a big break for a little while --so, enjoy!

If you're interested in a personal, Kosmic Astrology reading with me, please schedule an appointment through The Bag Lady in Charlotte NC at 704-338-9778 --Thanks! :)

Many Kosmic Blessings,
Sabrina )O(

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