Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sun in Sagittarius - 11/22/2011

Adventurous & free spirited, folks born under Sagittarius are known for being enthusiastic &, oftentimes, restless too. Born under this Sun sign, they are blessed by Jupiter, the planet of fortune! When in a tight spot, Lady Luck will bless them with a special boon and the wheel of fortune will turn …more than likely in their favor!

The symbol for Sag is the Archer. This is very appropriate since, whatever they set their minds to, they usually accomplish. But Sags are also difficult to pin down –especially in romantic relationships. However, with friends, they are loyal, generous and always willing to lend a helping hand –as long as there are no strings are attached.

Sags also enjoy an air of excitement and are in search of wisdom, either through far away travel or by burying their noses in books. They love to expand their knowledge on various topics since learning comes easy to them. They adapt well to situations and are able to figure out puzzles or anything else which challenges their sharp, quick minds.

Most folks find Sagittarius a very unpredictable type; yet totally admire their independent and cleaver spirit!

Several famous Sags include singer Christine Aguilera, actress Jamie Lee Curtis, movie director Steven Spielberg, actors Brad Pitt & Jeff Bridges, as well as the creator of Mickey Mouse, Walt Disney.

Happy Birthday, Sagittarius!

Many Kosmic Blessings,
Sabrina )O(

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